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Simon begins his dream in IT with support from Ardrossan team

Updated: Feb 18, 2020

Simon had been a carer for is mother for several years and during this time he was unable to find a job that provided him the flexibility he needed. Even though he was a full-time carer Simon was very keen to gain work experience. He decided to do some temporary work to fit around his carer responsibilities.

Simon was ready start a job that would offer him a stable professional and home life, but he did not know where to begin.

Why did Simon join Fair Start Scotland?

Simon lacked confidence and doubted his abilities entering back into a working environment. His biggest fear was failing in anything he did and when he joined the service his Key Worker Carol focused on supporting him through this.

Simon did not know where to start in terms of looking for jobs as well as dealing with the barriers he faced every day. It was difficult for him to find a role that would work alongside the care of his mother.

How did Fair Start Scotland help?

Key Worker, Carol developed an action plan with Simon which was aimed at developing his skills and helping him overcome his personal barriers. Simon attended the Confidence Building workshop which focused on building his self-belief.

During their regular meetings, Simon expressed that he had an interest in the IT sector, but he didn’t know if his skills would be enough to fit the role. Carol supported him with CV support, interview preparation and training which focused on IT.

Getting the job

With support from Carol, Simon built the confidence to apply for a Trainee ICT Technician role at Cunninghame Housing Association. Simon was delighted to secure this role as it will be the start of his IT career. Simon has now set out his long-term goals which is to progress in his new role. He will continue to receive in-work support to make sure he settles in his new role and working environment.



Application window closed

New referrals to Scottish Government’s national Fair Start Scotland (FSS) employability service have ended.


Current Fair Start Scotland customers will continue to receive the full range of employability support they need from StartScotland to move into work, which could include up to 18 months pre-work and up to 12 months in work support (depending on your circumstances). 


From 1 April 2024, No One Left Behind, Scottish Government & Local Governments’ shared approach to delivering an all-age, place-based, person-centred model of employability support in Scotland, will receive referrals previously referred to StartScotland.


To find out more about No One Left Behind local employability support where you live, including single points of contact details for all-age services, employability related information and more, visit Employability in Scotland for details.

Contact Us
If you are currently on the Fair Start Scotland Service and need to get in touch, please call us on:
Phone: 0800 049 7061
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