Kevin has never had a job, despite having a good education. Fair Start Scotland supported Kevin into the world of work; something which Kevin claims to be ‘forever grateful’ for.
Why Kevin joined Fair Start Scotland
Before Kevin joined the service he had never been in paid employment. He had a good education and a degree in computer games development, but had spent years applying for jobs and never heard anything back. He did not want to volunteer, and lack of work experience was proving to be his main barrier to work.
How Fair Start Scotland helped
Kevin and his personal adviser worked together to find Kevin’s first full-time role. His adviser updated his CV and put him forward for several jobs. Kevin attended a variety of interviews, but was unsuccessful in all of them. Kevin attended an interview skills workshop with his tutor and continued to work hard. He didn’t allow the rejections to affect his confidence.
Kevin’s personal adviser found a new role which seemed to suit him perfectly. After working with employer services to secure an interview for Kevin, he promptly attended a telephone interview and was offered the job within a few short hours!
Kevin told his adviser that she was “one of the top ten people who has made an impact on his life” and he could not be more thankful for the support he has received over the past few months. He said that no other programme has ever helped him this much, and he will be forever grateful. Kevin’s personal adviser was even able to support him financially with his travel and clothing for his new job.
What’s next?
Kevin felt a huge sense of relief and pride after successfully landing his first job. He continues to update his personal adviser and is said to be doing exceptionally well.