Simon was referred to Fair Start Scotland by his local Jobcentre Plus in Dunfermline after being unemployed for a long period of time.

Why did Simon join Fair Start Scotland?
Simon had been out of work for many years and he was determined to secure a new role. He lacked the motivation and self-confidence he needed to put himself out there for applications and interviews. Simon wanted somewhere that would offer him one to one support and he was sceptical about how much we would be able to help him.
How did Fair Start Scotland help?
Simon was introduced to his Personal Adviser, Louise who focused on the different employment options he had. Louise helped Simon address his barriers and coached him on how best to approached the gaps in his employment with potential employers in interview situations.
Simon did some mock interviews to help prepare him and deal with the type of questions he might get from an employer. Dunfermline Tutor, Tony gave Simon constructive feedback and goals to work on to make sure he was prepared and keep him motivated.
Once he was ready, Simon applied for a job as at a local call centre and was offered an interview. Louise helped Simon for his interview by looking at the company values and vision to pre-empt the questions he might be asked.
Getting the job
Simon was very grateful for the help he received as he felt very prepared for interview. As a result of his hard work and determination, he was offered the job and has since started work.
Simon says:
‘I wanted to thank you personally for all your help in getting me back to work.
I was initially sceptical when I was first referred to Fair Start Scotland after experiencing several well-meaning but ultimately ineffective 'referral' organisations previously. As a long-term unemployed person with a substantial barrier to returning to work I remained deeply embarrassed that I required such assistance. However, I never felt embarrassed while attending any of my Fair Start Scotland appointments. Your happy and smiling demeanour made a big difference on days when I was personally struggling to find the motivation and desire to return to work. The practical support provided by Fair Start Scotland and the injection of self-confidence and optimism provided by you, personally has proved to be extremely valuable. This has directly led to me getting me back to work. For this I am, and will always be, deeply grateful.’
We will continue to support Simon with travel expenses to work and any other practical and emotional support.