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Adversity to adventure for stroke victim Giuliana

Life changed dramatically for the much-travelled Giuliana when she suffered a stroke, and within a split second she had totally lost the use of her left arm. Her restricted mobility changed everything and placed entirely new boundaries on what she could and could not do. In January this year, aged 39, she contacted Fair Start Scotland in Ayr to get much needed support to get her back on track.

Originally from Peru and having worked in several countries, including as a business development executive in France, she needed to reassess her next steps.

Through regular one-to-one sessions with her adviser, we helped Giuliana widen the potential of getting the attention of would-be employers and she was soon offered an interview with the animal protein experts Neogen as a procurement assistant role and was delighted to accept the post.

Giuliana absolutely loves her new role and has settled in very quickly with her new colleagues. She now feels her life has at last taken a positive turn and she feels much more confident and settled. She has overcome the major trauma of a stroke and turned adversity into a new adventure.



Application window closed

New referrals to Scottish Government’s national Fair Start Scotland (FSS) employability service have ended.


Current Fair Start Scotland customers will continue to receive the full range of employability support they need from StartScotland to move into work, which could include up to 18 months pre-work and up to 12 months in work support (depending on your circumstances). 


From 1 April 2024, No One Left Behind, Scottish Government & Local Governments’ shared approach to delivering an all-age, place-based, person-centred model of employability support in Scotland, will receive referrals previously referred to StartScotland.


To find out more about No One Left Behind local employability support where you live, including single points of contact details for all-age services, employability related information and more, visit Employability in Scotland for details.

Contact Us
If you are currently on the Fair Start Scotland Service and need to get in touch, please call us on:
Phone: 0800 049 7061
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