Learn My Way
giving you computer
skills to improve your
chances of finding work
We make online learning easy, to help you achieve your potential.
Many jobs require you to be able to use a computer. We have worked with our partners to develop a platform for you, which will improve your IT skills.
As 95% of jobs are now advertised online and many roles involve using a computer, it is important that you can search and apply for jobs online and be confident using a computer.
Learn My Way is a platform that will develop your computer skills whether you are an absolute IT beginner, wanting to refresh your skills or are more advanced and wanting to get a qualification. The modules can be accessed from anywhere with internet access, at any time and are worked through at your own pace.
If you get the IT bug, there’s the opportunity to continue your learning through further accredited courses or become a digital champion so you can pass on your knowledge to others.
Using the internet is a powerful tool to increase your knowledge and in turn transform your life.
Other subjects include improving your internet skills, online safety, job hunting hints and tips, managing money online and much more.
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We may share your information with our supply chain. Your information will not be used for marketing or any other purposes.