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Working together
to find the right
job for you


You are now at the stage of your journey where are you ready to find suitable employment.

You will now have:

  • a CV tailored for the job you’re interested in

  • the skills and techniques to help you prepare for an interview

  • the self-confidence and belief that you can perform well in an interview situation – remember first impression counts

  • taken part in some form training - accredited training or an employability programme to give you the skills to do your preferred job

Our employer services team will aim to find a job that matches your skills and abilities along with any work experience you may have. We'll work with you to understand your needs and identify any barriers that may be stopping you from getting back to work.

If you don't feel quite ready for work, then we can look at work trials and work placements giving you the opportunity to try out the job first, to make sure you are comfortable in your new working environment and for the employer to see if you are the right fit for their business. And if necessary we'll work with the employer to make sure any reasonable adjustments are in place to help you make a smooth transition into the workplace.

When you are ready to start work you’ll be given a progression portfolio to show what you’ve achieved and to demonstrate how far you’ve come since your first visit.

The support you get from us will not only help you to get a job but will give you the skills and confidence to progress within the organisation if that’s what you want.  

Once you’re in work, we won’t just leave you!

We’ll keep in touch with you and your employer to make sure everything’s going well and we’ll be on hand to answer any questions you may have. We’ll continue to support you up to 18 months with any challenges you might face. And remember we’re only a phone call away. 

Application window closed

New referrals to Scottish Government’s national Fair Start Scotland (FSS) employability service have ended.


Current Fair Start Scotland customers will continue to receive the full range of employability support they need from StartScotland to move into work, which could include up to 18 months pre-work and up to 12 months in work support (depending on your circumstances). 


From 1 April 2024, No One Left Behind, Scottish Government & Local Governments’ shared approach to delivering an all-age, place-based, person-centred model of employability support in Scotland, will receive referrals previously referred to StartScotland.


To find out more about No One Left Behind local employability support where you live, including single points of contact details for all-age services, employability related information and more, visit Employability in Scotland for details.

Contact Us
If you are currently on the Fair Start Scotland Service and need to get in touch, please call us on:
Phone: 0800 049 7061
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