Basic Key Skills Builder (BKSB)
improving your English,
maths and ICT skills
Get the right skills by using our online learning system.
Along with having the right attitude, employers tell us they want their employees to be able to do the basics well. Many people are held back because of a lack of English, maths and ICT skills, which are needed in the workplace.
BKSB provides an easy-to-use online system which will guide you through an initial assessment and diagnostic to identify your strengths and weaknesses. It will then automatically provide you with step-by-step learning resources to enhance your skills in those subject areas – right from Entry Level 1 through to Level 2.
The learning resources are fully interactive and engaging.
You can access your own online portal, anywhere and at any time so you can work at your own pace at a time to suit you.
This system requires login details. If you don't have any please talk to your consultant.
We may share your information with our supply chain. Your information will not be used for marketing or any other purposes.